Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Over and above, a good day was had.

Have you ever had that morning, where you get up, bouncing almost, hope in the shower and find yourself singing and or whistling in the shower...then you stop and think, um why am i so happy at 6am? I had one of those moments today, the day started off fabulously! with 4 hrs of sleep under my belt, i felt like i was good to go. Half way through my shower, something that tends to happen every once and a while, a line slid through my head, a line that had rhythm and beat and rhyme. I proceeded to construct the most fantastic poem ever, the only pitfall, it was in my head, and i was unable to write it down. Later, i tried to write it down, but it had lost something of it power and ended up being something that looked fairly off from the original construction. But that's ok, at least i know that school hasnt sucked quite all the poeticness out of me just yet! The second part that made the day a super day, free parking. I dont know why, but the little guy at the parking garage didnt charge me. It must have just been a good free parking day! The third, was the english exam, which turned out not to be as grotesque as i had feared. 12 short answer questions, and arm that ached from tip to shoulder later, i was done, turning it in and headed out into a fairly good weather day! Things after that went incredibly smooth, good lunch, and a exuberant greeting by little kids upon arriving at work. So nothing may have shattered the earth, but i still think today has turned out super fantastic...and its not even half over for me yet :)

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