Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Remember this is now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted." Sylvia Plath wrote these words after her realization on the brevity of life. Before her death she wrote novels, filled countless journals, and amassed a good amount of poetry that was later published by her husband. Sadly, Plath never got to see her work succeed. Plath’s words were strong and passionate, yet they held relevance to the reader just as they did to the author. She was able to take the mundane things in life and create a picture that spilled out onto her audience, exactly how she perceived the world around her. Though I utterly love Sylvia Plath, this blog isn't about her, but it is about life, written down in words as I see it, as is relevant to me, the author. I thought long and hard what exactly the blog should be about, shouldn't a blog be about something? Thats why I decided just to make it about everyday, normal complacent life. Nothing flamboyant. Just simple thoughts on simple things. I will try to update everyday, if not every other. I hope it is enjoyable to whoever choices to read it, but nonetheless, I will be here, writing away, because that is what I love to do. And as Plath pleaded with her readers, "Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences."


  1. haha hey lady! Well i found my blog too so we can go on this lovely journey together... Although i dont know why mine is pink. i need to change that. ANYWAY, look me up at peopleblankknow.blogspot.com

  2. Looking forward to reading it! Best practice for a writer is writing, writing,writing!

  3. Definitely one of your biggest fans right here ;)


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